Mechanical Methods for Algae Oil Extraction: Expeller Press and Ultrasonication

Oil extraction is a critical step in the production of biodiesel from algae. The oil content in algae varies depending on the strain and culture conditions, but it typically ranges from 20% to 50% of the dry weight. The extracted oil can then be converted into biodiesel through a process called transesterification. Mechanical methods, such as expeller press and ultrasonication, are commonly used for oil extraction from algae biomass. This article will discuss these two methods and their application in algae biodiesel production.

Expeller Press

Expeller pressing is a mechanical method that has been used for centuries to extract oil from seeds and nuts. In this process, the raw material is fed into a screw press or expeller, which applies continuous pressure to crush and compress the biomass. The pressure forces the oil out of the cells, and it is collected and separated from the solid residue.

In the context of algae biodiesel production, expeller pressing has some advantages over other oil extraction methods. First, it is a simple and cost-effective process that does not require expensive equipment or chemicals. Second, expeller pressing can achieve high oil yields, particularly when applied to microalgae with thick cell walls or macroalgae with large amounts of structural carbohydrates.

However, there are also some challenges associated with using an expeller press for algae oil extraction. One issue is that some algae species have tough cell walls that are difficult to break using mechanical pressure alone. In these cases, a pre-treatment step, such as cell disruption or enzymatic hydrolysis, may be necessary to improve oil yield. Additionally, expeller pressing generates heat due to friction, which can cause thermal degradation of the oil and reduce its quality.


Ultrasonication is another mechanical method used for oil extraction from algae biomass. It involves subjecting the biomass to high-frequency sound waves that create pressure fluctuations in the liquid medium. These pressure fluctuations cause the formation and collapse of microscopic bubbles, a phenomenon known as cavitation. The collapse of these bubbles generates intense local heating and high shear forces that can disrupt cell walls and release the oil content.

Ultrasonication has several advantages over expeller pressing for algae oil extraction. First, it is a non-thermal process that does not generate heat, which helps preserve the quality of the extracted oil. Second, ultrasonication can effectively disrupt even tough algae cell walls, enabling efficient extraction from a wide range of species. Third, ultrasonication can be easily scaled up or down, making it suitable for both laboratory-scale research and industrial-scale production.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using ultrasonication for algae oil extraction. One challenge is that the process requires a large amount of energy, which can increase production costs. Additionally, ultrasonication can generate free radicals due to cavitation, which may cause oxidative damage to the oil and reduce its quality.

Algae Biodiesel Production Process

After the oil has been extracted from algae biomass using mechanical methods like expeller press or ultrasonication, it is typically converted into biodiesel through a process called transesterification. In this reaction, the triglycerides in the oil are reacted with an alcohol (usually methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst (usually sodium or potassium hydroxide) to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) or fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs), respectively. These esters are the main components of biodiesel and can be used as a renewable alternative to conventional petroleum-based diesel fuel.

Overall, mechanical methods like expeller press and ultrasonication play a crucial role in algae biodiesel production by enabling efficient oil extraction from a wide variety of algal species. While each method has its advantages and challenges, they both represent promising technologies for the sustainable production of biofuels from algae resources.